Cover Crush: Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

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stalking-jack-the-ripperHe’s the infamous killer no man has ever been able to find.

Now it’s a girl’s turn.

Groomed to be the perfect highborn Victorian young lady, Audrey Rose Wadsworth has a decidedly different plan for herself. After the loss of her beloved mother, she is determined to understand the nature of death and its workings. Trading in her embroidery needle for an autopsy scalpel, Audrey secretly apprentices in forensics. She soon gets drawn into the investigation of serial killer Jack the Ripper, but to her horror, the search for clues brings her far closer to her sheltered world than she ever thought possible.

My thoughts about the cover:

I’ve said this before and I will say it again. I am not a cover designer but I can agree that cover layouts play an important role in the overall presentation of books and gladly admit I judge a book by its cover. Right away the cover AND title jumped right out at me!

First off, I love reading stories that are set during the Victoria era. Then you add all the elements of mystery, intrigue, murder, forensics, dark London streets, Jack the Ripper and I am sold on the story! Not that I am a morbid person. I am just really fascinated with the human mind and like the book blurb says, “To understand the nature of death and its workings.” Honest.

I love the colors and design of the layout. The font for the title is perfect as well. This cover definitely sets the stage for a really atmospheric story. I really hope the story doesn’t disappoint! I will be reading it very soon!

Stephanie M. Hopkins.

Cover Crush is a weekly series that originated with Erin at Flashlight Commentary.

Other great book bloggers who cover crush

Heather @ The Maiden’s Court-Coming soon

Magdalena @ A Bookaholic Swede 

Holly @ 2 Kids and Tired

Colleen @ A Literary Vacation -Coming soon

More cover crushes over at indieBRAG!


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