Christian Theology

In my last blog post, I mentioned that I was deeply involved in Bible studies-such as theology and the early Christian church history and other history research. In the latter, I meant to say my additional research, or study if you will, was centered on ancient cultural backgrounds. Last year I was gifted by my father the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. This is my third study Bible I have acquired and I am thrilled to have this edition to my growing theology library. My father also gifted me the Holman Illustrated Guild to Biblical Geography (reading the Land) by Paul H, Wright. In addition, I am blessed to be studying from my father’s theology library as well. Including his NIV commentaries of each book of the Bible.

When I was a child my first Bible was the King James version and on June 14, 1994, I received my first NIV study Bible from my parents. That particular version is the NIV Disciple’s Study Bible.

What I love about the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible I was gifted last year, is a richer look behind the scenes that I was looking for with my current Bible studies. I will most likely acquire the New King James version at some point in time. I can’t wait! Another version I want to read is the Geneva Bible. This Bible is significant of the Bible into English during the 16th century English Protestantism. Thankfully my father has a copy.

Recently I’ve also started to use my Bible App as another form of Bible reading. To listen through the Bible in a year and then repeat every year. At times, I will read along with one of my Bibles. I find that helps me with staying in the word and memorization. Other tools that help me for a better understanding during my Bible studies and research are the Oxford Bible Atlas and Holman’s Bible Dictionary. In a later post I will be sharing other theological and cultural books I’m studying from. If you are interested in historical backgrounds and a better or deeper understanding of context, I highly recommend the books above to start with.

Stephanie Hopkins