The 100 Day Project and Journals for Sale

Spring Journals

This year, I decided to participate in the #100dayproject on Instagram. What fun!

I craft everyday but there are some projects I want completed and feel this challenge will help in my endeavors. These are my spring journals for the coming season that I got a jump start on and would like to see them finished by the end of the season. Also, I need to replenish my ephemera stash so I’ve be mass making tags, pockets, clusters, stickers, altered paperclips and whatnot. You can follow my hashtag on Instagram #stephs100projects2022 to keep up with my progress! I’m also making short tutorials and will be posting video on YouTube soon!

I have three newly listed Spring journals for sale in my Etsy shop and will be listing two more this week! These are great journals for you to personalize. Visit my shops by clicking on each shop.

Instagram Shop

Ebay Shop

Etsy Shop

(Images are subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie Hopkins.)