Sunday Reflections

“History is a kind of introduction to more interesting people than we can possibly meet in our restricted lives; let us not neglect the opportunity.” – Dexter Perkins

Yesterday morning, I posted a page on Instagram I made in my fall journal. The morning air was cool and crisp and the season brings reflections of times past and the people who lived long ago. To ponder their story as what it may have been like. How did they live? What did they witness? We may not always know who they were but the love and opportunity of using their pictures in our journals keeps their existence intact.

Many family’s belongings are lost or discarded and that is sad to say the least. I consider crafters who save these treasures and use them in their journals and their other creations, that give them a new life, memory keepers. By using their images, we are keeping an essence of them alive through their images.

I do not know the lady’s name in the photo I’m using. I can only imagine what her life must have been like. There is a story there.

Today, as I work in another page, I will use another photo and think of the people in the past and wonder what they would think of us today.

Journaling fills one’s soul with gratitude and healing calmness. It’s an appreciation for the old and the newness of life’s journey.

May your Sunday be filled with contentment and peace.

My wish is for you to be encouraged and inspired. God bless.

Stephanie Hopkins