Happy Valentine’s Day!

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I love thee to the level of every day’s

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely, as men strive for right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

Sonnets from the Portuguese 43, Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The lady in the photos is my grandmother. The picture was taken in the 1940’s in Miami, Florida.

Sunday Reflections

“History is a kind of introduction to more interesting people than we can possibly meet in our restricted lives; let us not neglect the opportunity.” – Dexter Perkins

Yesterday morning, I posted a page on Instagram I made in my fall journal. The morning air was cool and crisp and the season brings reflections of times past and the people who lived long ago. To ponder their story as what it may have been like. How did they live? What did they witness? We may not always know who they were but the love and opportunity of using their pictures in our journals keeps their existence intact.

Many family’s belongings are lost or discarded and that is sad to say the least. I consider crafters who save these treasures and use them in their journals and their other creations, that give them a new life, memory keepers. By using their images, we are keeping an essence of them alive through their images.

I do not know the lady’s name in the photo I’m using. I can only imagine what her life must have been like. There is a story there.

Today, as I work in another page, I will use another photo and think of the people in the past and wonder what they would think of us today.

Journaling fills one’s soul with gratitude and healing calmness. It’s an appreciation for the old and the newness of life’s journey.

May your Sunday be filled with contentment and peace.

My wish is for you to be encouraged and inspired. God bless.

Stephanie Hopkins

Layered Finds Shop

Stephanie Hopkins

The products I create and sell are an extension of my love for arts, mixed media, journal making, crafting and books. They are a reflection of my style and how I create.

All products are homemade or gathered and put together by me. The ephemera packs are great for journals, card making, journal cards, bookmarks and other craft projects. If you are not on Instagram and would like to purchase an item you see, please email me at layeredpages@yahoo.com and I will reserve your item.

My Instagram LINK or copy and paste @stephsatjourney

You can also find me on ebay where I list almost daily. My shop name on ebay is layeredfinds. I will be adding books and other products soon.  

Fabric Pack Information: I’ve got an endless supply of textile material from all sorts of upcycled clothes, scarves, and bedsheets. The materials range from cotton, rayon, polyester, silk, and denim.

I’m working towards each week, adding in new patterns. I can cut fabric swatches up to 12″×12″. Those sizes need to be customized, Contact me for more information about that and if you’re on the lookout for anything in particular.

I use the above mentioned fabrics for my various mixed media projects, including journal covers, pockets, tag making, belly bands, card making, bookmark making, collage work, mixed media art, and blanket making!

Products for Sale this Weekend on Instagram and more to be listed today:

Newly listed products on ebay as of yesterday amd a few more products available

*At this time, I’m only shipping in the United States.

Stephanie Hopkins

Layeredfinds shop

My wish is for you to be inspired and encouraged.

(Images are subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work, mixed media projects, crafts and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie Hopkins.)

Exploration of Journal Making

A page in my new fall journal I’m currently working in. I’ll show the whole journal once it’s completed. I really enjoyed putting this page together and the bookmark I made for the book. The bookmark is made from an image out of a magazine, scrapbook paper and a piece of left-over fabric.

The journal page is simple with a touch of paper collage, postcard and a authentic 1940s photo of a group of ladies. I’ll add a journal label to the bottom left of the page. The actual page I’m working on is from my 12” x 12” scrap-booking paper stash from the early 2000s and what a great way to use those big sizes of paper! I wonder who those ladies are and what their story is or was.

Journaling fills one’s soul with gratitude and healing calmness. It’s an appreciation for the old and the newness of life’s journey.

Happy crafty Friday!

Stephanie Hopkins
Mixed Media Artist/Abstract Painter/Book Maker/Book Blogger

Art in Motion: Crafty Organization

Hello, Crafty Friends!

Today I’m am sharing a new craft organization I’m implementing in my crafting endeavors.   

I’ve always made my own ephemera packs with various supplies I have on hand and I put them in gallon size Ziplock bags or large make-up bags. That system is not working for me any longer. I want to simplify to make it easier to manage and carry in a smaller to- go tote. I can honestly say that reducing my craft kits in size to little leaves of goodness, makes all the difference and inspires creativity.

I like to work with a good deal of colors and different styles, so I sort every pile with a little of everything. For instance, some crafters like to-do strictly vintage style whereas I like to blend contemporary, grunge and abstract with vintage. Juxtaposition, if you will. Then I secure them with baker’s twin or ribbon. This method reminds me of how the Victorians secured paper and letters. I’ve decided to store them in a photo box and when I want to close the lid, I layer them flat in the box. This box sits nicely on my craft table or desk. Later on, in another blog post, I will show how I store and tote them when I’m crafting on the go or in another area of the house.

Do you make ephemera packs? What ephemera do you find adding to them the most? Scraps of collage paper, tags, flowers, butterflies and my homemade painted papers are my go-to.

One can create all sorts of things with these mini packs. For example: Embellishments, journal cards, collage, tucks, belly bands, tags and pockets. The ideas are endless!

One other thing before I leave you until next time. I’m also gearing up for the first giveaway in my bookmark swap group at Instagram on starting July 1st! There will be four giveaways between July and September! The first giveaway theme colors are pink and purple.

This giveaway is for the members of the #StephslpBookmarkswap group. DM about the details on how to join. Next bookmark swap is September 15th. We would love to have you!

There are two spots left available for people who live outside the US to join.

You can find me on Instagram @stephsartjourney

My wish is for you to be inspired, and encouraged. Blessings to you and yours.

Check out my art journey on Instagram and at my Mixed Media Art Gallery here at Layered Pages!

Stephanie Hopkins

30 Day Mixed Media Art Challenge

On May 12th I started a 30 day art challenge of using black, white and pink stains, paint and ink for background colors. I want to see how many creations I can come up with just using those combinations. I’ve created quite a few journal pages so far and will be working on other art projects with this challenge.

Below is a sneak peek of just a few that I’ve made and at the end of the 30 days I will be doing a slideshow of all the art I created with this challenge. I left a lot of free space on a few of the pages to write down some thoughts, quotes, my poems and bible verses.

Stephanie Hopkins

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(Images may be subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work, photos and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie.)

Daily Art Therapy

Last night I sat down and created two new pages in my Mixed Media Altered Book. I love how they turned out and how much it helped me to end my day on a positive note. -Stephanie Hopkins

A Art Pages Edited

“Imagination is tapping into the subconscious in a form of open play. That is why art or music therapy, which encourages a person to take up brushes and paint or an instrument, and just express themselves, is so powerful.”
― Phil ‘Philosofree’ Cheney


(Images may be subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work, photos and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie.)

Discovery and Expression

A Mixed MEdia Circus Image PageOver the weekend I created several pages in my Mixed Media Journal and I discovered a couple things about myself in the journey. For this page I used a magazine clipping that my dear friend Lisl sent me and I’m pleased with how it turned out.

This week I will be sharing three of the pages I made and a couple bookish things.


I highly recommend expressing your feelings through art journaling or just writing your thoughts down. Sometimes I have a lot to write about and other times I just create a page to just be in the moment and not think too much about things going on in life. The medium is truly therapeutic and so calming. You don’t need a lot of materials and toy can use what you have on hand.  -Stephanie Hopkins

(Images may be subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work, photos and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie.)

Journaling Life: Finding Your Inspiration

A special dedication to fellow blogger Lisl. A friend whose mutual love and passion for journaling, the classics, vintage, and the deep understanding for upcycling and the simple things in life.


“Jo’s eyes sparkled, for it’s always pleasant to be believed in, and a friend’s praise is always sweeter than a dozen newspaper puffs.”-Louisa May Alcott


Lisls stashRecently I sent Lisl a package of mixed media goodness to help her grow her stash for her journey in making lasting memories. It wasn’t long ago that we discovered we both had a love for journaling. A connection that we weren’t aware of having known each other for years! To both of our delight, we found our kindred spirit hearts and so began our joy in sharing each other’s journey.



“Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.”- Louisa May Alcott


Little Women bookLisl asked me if I had ever watched Little Women or had seen the movie. I had on both scores and matter of fact, I read the book as a child and had seen the original adaptation several times growing up. If I remember correctly, it was more a favorite of my sisters’ than mine but nonetheless, I have fond thoughts of the story. My daughter has recently discovered Little Women by seeing the new movie and loves the story!

This past weekend, I was talking to Lisl about my dismay in people dismantling vintage books to make their junk journals.  Her personal sentiments are the same as mine and she told me about a scene in the new Little Women movie where Jo’s book is being printed and it shows the old process of book making. That scene in itself explains so much of why I can’t bring myself to dismantle a perfectly intact vintage book. I hope you take the time to watch the scene HERE.


“Jo had learned that hearts, like flowers, cannot be rudely handled, but must open naturally.”- Louisa May Alcott


I hope you please take the time to read Lisl’s beautiful and heartfelt piece about Journaling Life: Little Women Edition.

We hope our love for the old arts and the simpler things in life extends to you, our dear readers.  Many Blessing to you and yours. -Stephanie



A History Glance Of The First Valentine’s

Valentines 9

In America before the mid 1800’s Valentine’s Cards were handmade including real lace, ribbons and what-not. If you do a little research, you’ll find all sorts of stunning handmade vintage cards online. Maybe you even have one passed down to you.

Then the whole mass production of card making by machines came about towards the end of the 19th century and they arrive in abundance to retail stores making Valentine’s Day- most likely- the biggest card selling day of the year.

Lets back track a little to an earlier time in history. Valentine’s Day goes way back to even the Roman times, but who knows, maybe even earlier.

Valentines 8

Did you know that British Library in London houses the oldest known to us humans, surviving Valentines? From what I learned it is a poem composed in French in 1415 by Charles Duke of Orleans to his wife, which he sent while imprisoned in the Tower of London. Wow, now that is some Valentine’s card! Can you imagine? Then again, it is said that Saint Valentine himself actually sent the first valentine so who really knows. The important thing to remember is that the tradition of expressing one’s special greetings and love is a really old affair.

Let’s get back to card making, shall we? This year I decided I wanted to make a few Valentine Cards with the focus of personalizing each one and blending my style with what I know each persons’ interest. What fun that was and I want to encourage people to consider making your Valentine’s to love ones and friends. They are much more appreciated and from the heart. They also carry on the traditions of the old arts and give you a sense of calmness and a moment of slowing down in this fast-paced world we live in. Happy Valentine’s Day! -Stephanie


“No copyright on images infringement is intended” Used for blogging about history purpose only.

(Images may be subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie.)