Creative Way to Journal

Altered Book for Journaling

I find joy in saving books from the landfills and giving them a new life. This is an inexpensive and creative way to journal and gives you the opportunity to be mindful of materials we often take for granted.

A few days ago, I made new spread in one of my working journals. This journal is an altered book I’ve created from thrifting damaged books a while back. I love journaling in them, paper-crafting and what-not. Often times, I’ve created collage around passages that stood out to me on the pages.

As I turn each page in my altered book, I read the words coming from the pages and at times, surprisingly, they’ve given me inspiration for what I want to journal about. I’m constantly thinking about things and planning, so keeping a record of my thoughts really helps with organization and from keeping my mind from getting cluttered.

The butterfly postcard you see on the left page is a hidden pocket to stow a tiny leaf of paper that I’ve written my thoughts on.

A few days before I created this spread, I made journal cards by using collage for my backgrounds and I finally decorated a few of them for this past weekend of journaling. They turned out great and I have added them to this altered book. Later on, perhaps I will show you how I used them.

Be sure to follow out my art journey on Instagram and at my Mixed Media Art Gallery, here at Layered Pages!

My wish is for you to be inspired and encouraged. Stephanie Hopkins


“Crafting fills my life. And my closets. And my drawers. And every empty tote bag in the house.”

I am participating in the 61 days index card art challenge hosted by Tammy @gypsy999 Instagram! Last year, I did a hundred-day challenge independently and this year I was just going to do it on my own again but was encouraged by others to partake in Tammy’s challenge.

I must confess, creating art on index cards gives me so much inspiration and joy. I have learned a lot about myself in how I push the boundaries of creating art, I might not have done so before.

If you would like to participate, be sure to follow Tammy on Instagram to get the scoop of the challenge and understanding. Everyone is friendly and supportive, so do not hessite to ask questions.

The challenge starts today but don’t feel you have to jump right in on the first day.

The best place to buy index cards is at the Dollar Tree, if you live in the State and have one in your town.

Message from Tammy: No registration needed; the challenge is free. Show up + start. You can start now, whenever now is! It’s been a hard freaking nightmare of a pandemic year so PLEASE take it easy on yourself – this is all meant to be fun – spread love – cleverness and creativity are good things – art brings us together from around the planet – enjoy your little daily project – create on as many days as you can from June 1 – July 31. Surprise yourself. 

I will be sharing my cards here on Layered Pages every Saturday. My wish is for you to be inspired and encourage. -Stephanie Hopkins

Check out my art journey on Instagram and at my Mixed Media Art Gallery here at Layered Pages!

Art in Motion: Beauty of the Butterfly

Paper Crafting by Stephanie Hopkins

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. -Maya Angelou  

Be sure to check out my art journey on Instagram and at my Mixed Media Art gallery here at Layered Pages! My wish is for you to be inspired and encouraged.

Art in Motion: Little Things

Paper Crafting by Stephanie Hopkins

“It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.” -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Be sure to check out my art journey on Instagram and at my Mixed Media Art gallery here at Layered Pages! I upload new pictures of my art on weekly basis now in my gallery. My wish is for you to be inspired and encouraged.Have a wonderful weekend! -Stephanie Hopkins

A New Year of Possibilities

“New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. The choice is ours.” —Alex Morritt

What will you make of the new year?

These are uncertain times we live in due to world wide shut downs, riots, protest, political unrest and the virus. Everyone has stories to tell. Many are the same and many are different. Today is the start of a new year and what we bring to it matters.

I choose to focus on the positive and the valuable lessons I learned about myself with regards to my faith in God, supportive people, art, books, mindfulness and creating good habits. All of these carry over in my daily life no matter the struggles. Your positive endeavors are what gets you through bits and pieces you cannot control. Or better yet, it is something you control because you refuse to give in to the darkness.  

This year at Layered Pages, I will be sharing ideas, thoughts, books, art, motivations, my love of history and many more worthwhile projects. Be inspired, have faith, be positive, seek kindness, and explore. Happy New Year!

-Stephanie Hopkins

Awareness Within Ourselves

Good morning, afternoon and evening depending where you are in the world! This year has brought so many changes in the world, including social media. With the lockdowns, people are utilizing the net in increasing rates, I believe. I know that is a no-brainer but lately is has me thinking about how one uses time and mindfulness. What is important, what content one puts out there and the influences it creates. Whether they are positive or negative influences.

I guess the point I’m getting at is that it is important to create a habit of mindfulness in all aspects of our lives. In everything we do and say. That extends to social media as well. Awareness and self-control are a powerful state of being. Is there a feeling, emotion, or thought process you would like to change? Everyone has them. Most time we get so caught up in them, we don’t realize how it is affecting us and those around us.

More thoughts to share on this topic next week.

Stephanie Hopkins

Layers of Art and Kindness

A Tag 7-6 EditedMonday afternoon I made two new tags for my junk journal. I try to do some sort of art, or paper-crafting daily.  This time I wasn’t in the mood to work on my other art projects I have started and I wasn’t wanting to start a new art journal page. Just creating something with paper was enough to get my crafting in for the day. Which is a must! It really helps with ones creativity and it’s calming.

A Mixedmedia IAnyhow, I want to show you two other projects I have started. These two projects will take me awhile since I’m limited to the time I have to craft. The picture with the three canvas and embellishments and thread is going to be a lot of fun to see where I go with it. I have a few things in mind for it and I look forward to the challenge of being creative with it. Adding textiles will be part of the making.



The wood below is part of a landscape I’m working on. It will include houses as well. I will be using my painted papers and acrylic paint for this project. To prep the wood, I used collage and then applied white gesso. I do have most of the painted papers ready to start this project. I even have the patterns of the houses ready. My next step is to sketch the landscape and house to the wood with pencil. From there I will start to collage the images. So excited about this project!


Would it hurt too much to be kind?  

One other thing and I don’t normally bring up drama I see on social media but this one really stood out to me for a number of reasons. Mostly because I am a paper-crafter and mixed-media artist. I saw a person tweet about a TikTok video of a person re-purposing books for home decor ideas. The person was shaming this person for using the books that way by painting the covers. There were hundreds of people that got on there, ripping the person apart for doing that to the books. The names they were calling that person was beyond awful.

Back in the day, I used to cringe at my art teachers for having us use books and magazines for our art projects. That is the bookworm in me but I did it nonetheless. Usually the books were very old and we used them for collage and mono printing. You would be amazed how many professional artists use pages from books for their art. They collage with them. I do. That is one of the many elements of mixed-media art. Even people who junk journal do that.

About a two decades ago now, I used to work for a bookstore that would trash books that were returned. Even if they were in perfect condition or the fact that even libraries and thrift stores throw out thousands of books a year. At least this way they are being repurposed and saved from the landfills. I use book pages for my mixed media art and for my journals. Mostly I use damaged books and out of date Webster dictionaries and magazines. I feel for the person they were attacking. It’s ridiculous how vicious these people are. So much hate in this world and lately its increased over almost anything. Where does it end? People need to get control of themselves. Be kind!

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara De Angelis

Stephanie Hopkins

Button Personification

Pam at The Paper Outpost put her Facebook group members to task on a weekly challenge of Button Beautification!! The challenge is to take your buttons and paper, paint, stamp or whatever you come up with on the buttons. If you’re a crafter, chances are you have hundreds if not thousands of buttons on hand to play with. Watch out because this fun craft is highly addictive!

If you are not familiar with Pam, check out her YouTube channel HERE. Not only will you want to binge watch her videos but you will be charmed by her witty and free spirit personality in crafting and overall cool attitude.

Here is the first set of buttons I made the other day ago. I have made a few more but they are going to be making a featured appearance later on.

You can also find Pam at:

Etsy /Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest 

Today I leave you with inspiration from one of my favorite American President quotes! -Stephanie

TR Wednesday Quote


(Images may be subjected to copyright. All book reviews, interviews, guest posts, art work and promotions are originals. In order to use any text or pictures from Layered Pages, please ask for permission from Stephanie.)


Lost Arts: Did you know?

ClothesI have been thinking a lot lately about what my favorite part of reselling is and it is packaging up sales with care, seeing the joy it brings to my clients and knowing I saved another item from the landfills. We as consumers are bombarded with fast fashion by the clothing industry and we have lost our sense of appreciation for what we have and what goes into the producing of such items. Did you know that It takes 2,700 Liters of water to make one T-Shirt?

Could you survive if shelter, clothes, food, water weren’t readily available to you? It is a question I ask myself often.  -Stephanie


On the book front, I received this book in the mail on Tuesday from a dear friend and it is so fitting for the subject matter above.

The Lost Art Of Hearth and HomeAbout the book:

The Lost Arts of Hearth and Home is not about extreme, off-the-grid living. It’s for city and suburban dwellers with day jobs: people who love to cook, love fresh natural ingredients, and old techniques for preservation; people who like doing things themselves with a needle and thread, garden hoe, or manual saw.

Ken Albala and Rosanna Nafziger Henderson spread the spirit of antiquated self-sufficiency throughout the household. They offer projects that are decidedly unplugged and a little daring, including:

* Home building projects like rooftop food dehydrators and wood-burning ovens
* Homemaking essentials, from sewing and quilting to rug braiding and soap making
* The wonders of grain: making croissants by hand, sprouting grains, and baking bread
* Adventures with meat: pickled pig’s feet, homemade liverwurst, and celery-cured salami

Intended for industrious cooks and crafters who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves, The Lost Arts of Hearth and Home will teach you the history and how-to on projects for every facet of your home, all without the electric toys that take away from the experience of making things by hand.


Follow my closet @artsycouture42 and  use my code: ARTSYCOUTURE42 to get a free $10 credit when signing up for Poshmark!

Layered Pages Other Links:


Facebook Page 





Testimonial From Award Winning Author Suzy Henderson

Suzy Henderson

“It’s rare to come across someone like Stephanie who has such a natural gift for the arts. A true professional, her expertise and passion shine through, and you know instantly you’re in the best of hands. With an exceptional flair for discovering great stories, fiercely supportive and loyal, Stephanie’s skills are truly invaluable to any artist.” -Award Winning Author Suzy Henderson

Twitter: @Suzy_Henderson 

Suzy’s Website: Website

The Beauty ShopAbout The Beauty Shop:

England, 1942. After three years of WWII, Britain is showing the scars. But in this darkest of days, three lives intertwine, changing their destinies and those of many more.

Dr Archibald McIndoe, a New Zealand plastic surgeon with unorthodox methods, is on a mission to treat and rehabilitate badly burned airmen – their bodies and souls. With the camaraderie and support of the Guinea Pig Club, his boys battle to overcome disfigurement, pain, and prejudice to learn to live again.

John ‘Mac’ Mackenzie of the US Air Force is aware of the odds. He has one chance in five of surviving the war. Flying bombing missions through hell and back, he’s fighting more than the Luftwaffe. Fear and doubt stalk him on the ground and in the air, and he’s torn between his duty and his conscience.

Shy, decent and sensible Stella Charlton’s future seems certain until war breaks out. As a new recruit to the WAAF, she meets an American pilot on New Year’s Eve. After just one dance, she falls head over heels for the handsome airman. But when he survives a crash, she realises her own battle has only just begun.

Based on a true story, “The Beauty Shop” is a moving tale of love, compassion, and determination against a backdrop of wartime tragedy.


LAPit Logo

L.A.P. it is a social media platform that applies to a variety of professions-such as-Literature, Art and Photography. The practicalities of Internet life can be tricky for many, not everyone is computer savvy and would prefer to solely focus on their craft or they have a tight budget but need help in this arena. There are so many entities out there charging fees that are not doable for most or they promise what they cannot deliver. L.A.P. it has created a new concept of social media marketing and provides a unique service to showcase writers, artists and photographers work. L.A.P. it will also work with publishers, independent presses, artists/photographers galleries and other entities that involve the three areas mentioned.

L.A.P. it Marketing Website

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